ARIS – Academic Readiness Intervention System

ARIS – Academic Readiness Intervention System

Supporting BC’s Exceptional Learners with an Exceptional Curriculum


British Columbia uses Competency-based Individual Education Plans. This planning method ensures that learners are embraced at their current achievement level and supported to develop skills related to their interests through the engagement in experiences that are meaningful to them. According to the Fordham Institute (2016), in a competency-based system, students advance to higher levels of learning when they demonstrate mastery of concepts and skills regardless of time, place, or pace. Looking beyond academic performance, the BC Ministry of Education utilizes additional core competencies or areas of learning needed to ensure the development of competent humans!

According to the BC Ministry of Education (2022), “Core Competencies are sets of intellectual, personal, and social and emotional proficiencies that all students need in order to engage in deep, lifelong learning” (p.1). Literacy and numeracy foundations have not been abandoned; they remain important to British Columbia’s K-12 curriculum and assessment system; however, core competencies are now considered equally important. Core competencies and competency-based learning rely on experiences or “doing”.

The Academic Readiness Intervention System (ARIS) provides a full curriculum and teaching materials. ARIS makes the creation of meaningful lessons and experiences easier for teachers to facilitate through the use of detailed lesson plans, black-line masters for various activity sheets, a system for record keeping, a positive behaviour management system, and custom home communication forms. This is by far the most complete curriculum available today to teach early skills.

ARIS is comprehensive, so teachers do not have to spend time sourcing materials and developing teaching and assessment strategies. Instead, they can focus on ensuring that the learner’s new skills are weaved into their day to day life so that taught skills emerge when and where they are needed both at school and at home. ARIS’s early learning curriculum sets learners up for success by building a strong foundation across important communication, visual performance, social and academic skills.  

Therapy in a Bin Canada is proud to be the sole distributor of the ARIS kit in Canada. For more information about the ARIS kit click on the following link: