The Stages Language Builder: Picture Noun Card set is a wonderful tool for teaching key language concepts to preschool age children, as well as children and adults with autism, developmental delay, or speech/language delay, or to anyone first learning or re-learning basic language skills. This card set is designed to teach:
• Receptive Language (“show me the apple,” “give me the book”)
• Expressive Language (“What is it”)
• Matching Identical Cards
• Matching Similar Cards
• Sorting into Categories
• Adjectives, functions, storytelling, and more
This 350 card set includes stunning, child-pleasing, bright, photographic images from nine basic categories: animals, foods, vehicles, furniture, clothing, toys, everyday objects, shapes, and colors. The Language Builder: Picture Noun Card set is the only flashcard set to offer the Basic Stage Set.
• Fifteen images (105 cards) are Basic Stage Cards.
• In Stage One, two identical images are on white backgrounds.
• In Stage Two, five similar images are in their natural settings.
• The basic stage cards teach matching, labeling, and categorization skills.